Friday, January 31, 2014

Toddler Prep

In March, Sam and I are going to Mississippi for a week(ish) to go to an SCA event.  It's an event we've been to before, and enjoyed.  But this time we're parents, which means we're leaving our son behind.  This will be the longest I've been away from him, and the longest he's stayed somewhere away from us.

Richard gets to spend the week with his grandma and uncles, and it sounds like they're going to have a lot of fun.  A lot of work has and continues to go into getting everyone involved ready.  We've been getting their house child-proofed; establishing where Richard will sleep; going over his schedule and needs; and planning activities.  At the same time, we're working on getting Richard used to spending time at grandma's house.  The next step will be having him spend the night there without us (we'll get a hotel room in town).

I think we'll all have a good time, but I know I'll miss him.
Richard and Grandma cuddling.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I think all families have a phrase (or phrases) that uniquely sums up the experience of parenting.  Other parents immediately get it, non-parents think you're weird.  And maybe you are, that's a part of parenting too.

Our phrase is, "emergency bath."