Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sweet Kid

I'm not at my best this morning.  I need a shower, but I'm waiting until after I mow the lawn.  My hair is greasy, and I generally look blah.  As I was getting ready to go outside, I put on a bandanna to keep my hair out of my face while I work.  Richard watched me put it on and said, "Mommy, you pretty now!"

Now, I know that all little kids think their moms are pretty.  And I know that Sam has a habit of putting silly things on his head and saying, "There, now I'm pretty."  Still, it made my morning.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2 Year Old Conversations

Cuddling on the couch with Richard tonight, and being the kind of parent I am, I started making obnoxious slurping noises in his ear.  He gave me a long suffering look, and said sternly, "No.  I am not cup!"  Can't put anything over on that one.